Welcome to setyourshape
Chasing Aesthetic
In SetYourShape we research and help people achieve their goals with easy follow along steps.
Our main focus is hybrid calisthenics, combining every way of trining with your body or gym equipment with your daily life and your favourite sports.

Hybrid calisthenics training, chasing aesthetic
Being able to combine calisthenics skills with street lifting and other sports its not easy, but with our help it can become a simple go to option.
Street lifting
Streetlifting is a powerlifting and calisthenics-based strength sport, that tests weighted calisthenics exercises like pull ups, dips and muscle ups
Calisthenics skills
This style of training consists mostly bodyweight exercises that need balance, strength, mobility and body control and are visually apealing.
Start learning now
Its not about one day, its about day one and that day started right now. From the moment you joined setyourshape, there are no excuses.
Everything you need to know you can learn it from our posts or even message us for more details!!!
Recent Articles
Elevate your body control with our newest calisthenics blog posts that will help you with your journey
Calisthenics Body Type: Mastering Your Fitness Potential in Just 5 Minutes! Hey there, fitness enthusiast! If you’re passionate about training and staying …
Planche: Everything you need to know, Learn it now!! Hey there, fellow calisthenics enthusiast! Get ready to dive into one of the most …
Eat with no limits now!!: Zero Calorie Foods List PDF [Free] Hey there, Are you always filling hungry and looking for zero …
Calisthenics vs Bodybuilding: The Ultimate Showdown! Alright, fitness fanatics, get ready to dive headfirst into the ultimate showdown – a battle of …
Calisthenics goals are not a dream. Its a reality that will come true with the correct style of training,
Calisthenics Body Type: Mastering Your Fitness Potential in Just 5 …
Planche: Everything you need to know, Learn it now!! Hey …
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