Planche: Everything you need to know, Learn it now!!

Hey there, fellow calisthenics enthusiast! Get ready to dive into one of the most impressive and challenging exercises in the world of bodyweight fitness!

If you’re all about pushing your limits and defying gravity, the Planche is the ultimate goal you’ve been dreaming of. It’s a jaw-dropping display of strength, balance, and control that will have your friends and gym buddies in awe.

Planche Hold

So, what exactly is the Planche? Well, my friend, it’s a mind-blowing calisthenics exercise that involves holding your entire body parallel to the ground, with nothing but your hands on the floor. Yep, you heard me right, no feet allowed!

Picture this: You’re floating above the ground, balancing on your palms while your body remains completely horizontal. It’s like you’re defying the laws of physics, and it feels absolutely incredible. 💪

I don’t want to fool you with motivational things that are not true, this is a difficult skill that requires a lot of strength, muscle adaptation, balance as well as a lot of dedication, time and effort. It is not a walk in to learn skill like the plank/push up/elbow lever/etc,

Remember, my fellow calisthenics fanatic, the Planche is the holy grail of bodyweight mastery. It’s not just about showing off; it’s about pushing your limits and achieving something that seems impossible!

Key Takeaways
1. It is is a challenging calisthenics exercise that involves holding your entire body parallel to the ground with just your hands on the floor.
2. It showcases impressive strength, balance, and control.
3. Mastering it takes dedication, time, and consistent practice.
4. Focus on building core strength, improving shoulder and wrist mobility, and using progressive training to achieve this skill.
5. Proper technique, maintaining a tight bodyline, and engaging your core are crucial for success.
6. It is the ultimate goal for those who love pushing their limits in bodyweight fitness.
7. Achieving such an incredible calisthenics skill brings a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
planche key takeaways

What You Need to Know About the Planche calisthenics Before Getting Started

Before diving into your training, remember it’s a challenging exercise that demands dedication and patience. Start with foundational core and shoulder strength, focusing on proper form. Progress gradually through tuck and straddle variations. Consistency and technique are key for success.

Benefits of the Planche

Mastering calisthenics skills offers a host of advantages:

  • Remarkable gains in strength, balance, and control.
  • Showcases your body’s incredible capabilities.
  • Achieving this feat brings immense satisfaction.
  • Pushes your fitness boundaries to thrilling new heights.

The Planche is Not for You If

It is an advanced calisthenics exercise, may not be suitable for everyone. Here are key reasons it might not be the right fit for you:

  1. Lack of Experience: If you’re new to calisthenics and haven’t built a foundation of strength and body control, attempting such a difficult skill can be too challenging and potentially lead to injury.
  2. Insufficient Strength: It heavily relies on core and upper body strength. If you haven’t developed these areas through progressive training, achieving this advanced move may be out of reach.
  3. Limited Commitment: Learning process takes time, dedication, and consistent practice. If you’re not willing to invest in regular training and patient progress, achievement will not be an option for you

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Fundamentals – Body Positioning

Let’s break down the essentials for achieving your dream calisthenics skill, and make you able to start training for it today!!

Body Positioning

Perfect alignment is paramount. Focus on achieving a straight, horizontal body position parallel to the ground. It’s a delicate balancing act, mastering the art of holding your body weight on your hands while maintaining that crucial parallel position.

Key Points for Perfect Planche Technique – Focusing on Technique

  • Straight Arms: Maintain fully extended arms with locked elbows throughout the exercise.
  • Hand Placement (45-degree forward): Position your hands shoulder-width apart with fingers pointing approximately 45 degrees forward.
  • Leg Position: Keep your legs together and fully extended, creating a seamless body line.
  • Scapula Engagement: Protract your shoulder blades (push them apart) for better stability and control.
  • Glutes Activation: Squeeze your glutes (buttocks) to help maintain a straight body position.
  • Core Engagement: Keep your core muscles tight and engaged to support your lower back and pelvis.
  • Balance: Focus on evenly distributing your weight on your palms and fingers for a stable balance.

Planche Progressions

Progressions in training are the stepping stones to achieving advanced variations. These systematic steps allow you to build strength, balance, and technique over time. Let’s explore the key progressions:

  1. Tuck Planche Progression
    • Begin by mastering the tuck position.
    • Focus on balance and core strength.
  2. Advanced Tuck Planche:
    • Gradually extend one leg at a time.
    • Develop control and balance in a semi-extended position.
  3. Straddle Planche Progression:
    • Open your legs into a straddle position.
    • Learn to balance while keeping your body parallel to the ground.
  4. Half Lay Planche Progression:
    • Extend one leg straight while keeping the other tucked.
    • Develop strength and balance in a semi-straddle position.
  5. Full Planche Progression:
    • The ultimate goal – balancing with legs fully extended and straight.
    • Requires exceptional strength and control.

Optional Use of Parallettes, Bands, and Partner Assistance

The ultimate goal in your training is to reach a level where you can balance with your legs fully extended and perfectly straight. This achievement demands exceptional levels of strength and precise control over your body.

Using parallettes can help you find better balance or with wrist flexibility issues. Also, using bands can be very effective, as you can get your body into more difficult progressions and start realising all the correct mind muscle connection to use to achieve your goal, as well as to strengthen your muscles in the exact positions.

Last but not least, training with a partner can be a golden buzzer as he can hold you into harder progression positions, hold you in the correct form and overall help you with the process. A good tip if you don’t have a partner use your bands and most importantly add a mirror opposite to you and film your self so that you can watch your technique and fix it

Advanced Planche Progressions

  1. One-Arm Planche:
    • Elevate the challenge by balancing on one arm.
    • Requires exceptional core and upper body strength.
  2. Planche Push-Ups:
    • Combine in your training push-up movements.
    • An advanced way to build strength and technique.
  3. Planche Transitions:
    • Move smoothly between variations.
    • Enhances overall skills bucket and fluidity.

Remember, mastering these variations requires progressive training and dedication. Each variation builds upon the other, helping you progress towards being an elite calisthenics athlete.

Programming your Workouts

Plan your workouts strategically to achieve your goals faster. It’s essential to comprehend the progression from one variation to the next, ensuring a smooth and efficient advancement in your training. Sample workout sessions can provide practical illustrations of effective progression, helping you stay on track towards your progressions and mastering your favourite calisthenics skill.

How do I progress from one progression to the next?

Gradually increase difficulty by extending your hold times. Add repetitions or sets to your current progression. Transition to the next progression when you can maintain proper form and control consistently.

Sample Calisthenics Planche workout session:

A well-structured workout is essential for progress. Here’s a sample session to guide your training:

Warm Up10-15mins
Tuck Planche15-20s/3
Advanced Tuck Planche10-15s/3
Planche Push Up Progression6-8reps/3
Cool Down – Stretching5-15mins
Calisthenics skill training workout sample

Over time, adjust hold times, repetitions, or add new variations as you progress.

Warnings for Planche Training

  1. Overtraining: Avoid training it too frequently. Overtraining can lead to burnout, injuries, and slower progress.
  2. Listen to Your Body: If you experience pain, discomfort, or excessive fatigue during training, stop immediately and seek medical advice if necessary.
  3. Progress Safely: Rushing through progressions can lead to injuries. Master each progression before moving to the next.
  4. Warm-Up Properly: Neglecting a proper warm-up can increase the risk of injury. Include wrist warm-ups and mobility exercises.
  5. Consult a Coach: If you’re new to training or calisthenics, consider working with a coach who can provide guidance and correct your form.
  6. Patience is Key: Achieving the skill takes time. Don’t get discouraged by slow progress; stay patient and persistent.

By following these tips and heeding the warnings, you’ll be better equipped to navigate to your training safely and effectively, leading to success in this impressive calisthenics skill.

Tips for Planche Training

If you’re on the path seeking that next level of expertise, here are some advanced tips and tricks to help you refine your skills:

  1. Perfecting Body Alignment: At the advanced level, focus on achieving impeccable body alignment. Ensure that your body is perfectly parallel to the ground, with no sagging or piking at the hips.
  2. Strengthening the Wrists: Strong wrists are crucial for more advanced moves. Incorporate wrist strengthening exercises to support your body’s weight.
  3. Advanced Variations: Explore advanced variations, such as the one-arm or the Planche push-up. These variations demand even greater strength and balance.
  4. Dynamic Planche Training: Include dynamic movements in your training, like Planche swings and presses, to enhance your control and stability.
  5. Improve Flexibility: Work on your flexibility, particularly in the shoulders and hamstrings. Enhanced flexibility can help achieve a straighter bodyline and better balance.
  6. Planche Push-Up Transitions: Practice transitioning between different variations, such as moving from a straddle to a full or transitioning from a Planche into a handstand. These transitions can showcase your advanced skills.
  7. Planche on Different Surfaces: Challenge yourself by performing it on different surfaces like parallettes, parallel bars, or rings. Each surface offers a unique experience and can improve your overall stability.
  8. Cross-Training: Cross-train with exercises that complement Planche training, such as handstand work, planche presses, or exercises that target specific muscle groups like the deltoids and triceps.
  9. Visualization and Mental Focus: Develop a strong mental connection to your goals. Visualization techniques can help improve your balance and form.
  10. Video Analysis: Record your attempts and analyze them to identify areas for improvement. This visual feedback can be invaluable in refining your technique.
  11. Coach or Mentor: Consider working with a coach or mentor who specializes in calisthenics or gymnastics. They can provide personalized guidance and corrections to accelerate your progress.

Remember that advanced training requires dedication, patience, and consistent effort. Progress may be slower at this level, but with perseverance and these advanced strategies, you can achieve remarkable mastery of this impressive calisthenics skill.

Planche training

Most common Faqs

What is the Planche in calisthenics?

The Planche is an advanced calisthenics exercise where you balance your body horizontally above the ground, supporting your weight on your hands while keeping your feet off the floor. It’s a test of strength, balance, and control.

How long does it take to learn the Planche?

The time it takes to learn it varies from person to person. It can take several months to years of consistent training and practice. Progress depends on your starting fitness level, dedication, and how well you follow a structured training program.

Can anyone learn the Planche?

While anyone can work toward learning it, it’s an advanced move that requires significant upper body and core strength. Beginners should start with foundational exercises and gradually progress to more advanced Planche variations.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when training for the Planche?

Common mistakes include rushing the progression, neglecting proper form, and not allowing enough rest for recovery. It’s crucial to prioritise technique, consistency, and gradual progression to avoid injuries.

Are there any specific exercises to help me achieve the Planche?

Yes, there are several exercises to help you build the necessary strength and skills. These include push-ups, planks, handstands, and various progressions like tuck and straddle Planche.

Should I train the Planche every day?

No, it’s not advisable to train it every day. Your muscles need time to recover and adapt to the stress of training. Aim for 3-4 days a week of targeted Planche training, allowing for adequate rest between sessions.

What if I can’t hold a full Planche?

If you can’t yet hold a full Planche, don’t worry. Most people start with easier progressions like tuck or straddle. As you build strength and control, you can work your way up to the full Planche over time.

How can I stay motivated during Planche training?

Staying motivated is crucial your training. Set clear goals, track your progress, and celebrate small achievements along the way. Joining a community of fellow calisthenics enthusiasts can also provide valuable support and motivation.

Remember, it is a challenging but rewarding journey. Stay patient, stay consistent, and keep pushing your limits to achieve this impressive calisthenics feat!


In conclusion, the Planche is an impressive but demanding calisthenics exercise that requires dedication. It showcases your strength, balance, and control as you hold your body parallel to the ground using only your hands. While challenging, it’s attainable with consistent training and proper form.

Start with tuck and straddle variations, gradually progressing towards the full skill. Safety and form are crucial, and patience is key.

For those new to calisthenics or lacking the necessary strength and commitment, starting to learn this calisthenics skill may not be suitable for you. However, for enthusiasts, the satisfaction of mastering it is unmatched.

Plan your workouts wisely, follow the provided tips, and heed the warnings to train safely. Consider advanced variations, perfecting form, and dynamic movements as you progress.

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